
Gullfaxi Horse

I started Gullfaxi Games with one primary purpose in mind, to earn enough money to build my own house on a piece of land somewhere and as an extra bonus maybe go into full time game development.

I have a funny allergy, when I clean at home it starts up. After only like 5-10 minutes of cleaning in my apartment I get asthma like symptoms. Have you ever had an extreme shortness of breath, you know how that feel. And now I now how bad all of you with real asthma have it. For me, getting out in the country in a new house will probably solve it or be a step in the right direction. So it's my try to improve my chances for a healthier life. :)

Enough about me. Why the name Gullfaxi Games? Well, I was going to call it something with my nick name in it, but I found out that some else, maybe their real name, had already used it in a game company context. So not to infringe, I had to drop that idea. Instead I was thinking about something from the Norse mythology, and I came to think about Sleipnir, the most famous of horses. Sleipnir was used as a game character I found out. But luckily there were more horses, Gullfaxi. that was the second best horse in Norse mythology.

Well, why horses or a horse name? I love horses. They are smart, very social animal. They have actually helped me when I had a very rough time at work. I started helping out a friend with her horse, a two year old mare at the time. By being with horses it forced me to be there in the moment with the horse and it makes you forgetĀ a lot of other problems. Very, very therapeutic.

Well, that is about it, for now at least. :)
